Friday, September 17, 2010

GONE!! A GIVEAWAY!!! = 4 FREE Gain Dish Soaps!!

My mom is so awesome! She is my coupon hook up and I want to share the love with my faithful blog followers!! =-) I have 20 $1/1 ANY SIZE Gain Dish Soap coupons. These are priced at just $0.97 at Wal-Mart, making them free with these coupons! The first 5 people to leave a comment below will get 4 each! I will send them in the mail or you can pick up if you are close. Just leave your address in the comments, or you can email it to me if you prefer the privacy. This is really just my secret way to see if anyone is even reading my blog! lol


  1. Heck yeah... I'm posting a comment on your blog to get some free dish soap coupons.
    Signed - your #1 blog stalker!

  2. Love, love, love ur blog! Check it at least 3 times day! I would love the coupons! With this growing family, any savings is a big savings!

    Had to let u know I got a $25 gift certificate at for andrew z's sports pizzaria for $3. that is our favorite restaurant! Also got some picaboo books for x-mas! just know your hard work is appreciated!!

    My address is 114 W Wayne St, Montpelier

  3. Me Me Pick me - I read your blog all the time and would love some free dish soap:)

    2728 Letchworth Pkwy
    Toledo, OH 43606

  4. YAY!!! At least four people are reading this! lol...Carling and Kim, yours are going out in the mail tomorrow. Brandi, I don't have your new address, but I will be home on Tuesday if you want to pick them up. Deana, I will be working Monday and Wednesday's now for a while. Are you still working Wednesdays at the church? If so I will bring em then, if not give me your address and I will send them. Thanks so much guys! So great to hear someone is benefiting from this! =-)

  5. Hey Ginger, I really love your blog it really helps me to save more to give more.


  6. OOPS I forgot to leave my address

    Sue Hoile
    225 W. 5th St.
    Perrysburg, OH 43551

  7. woo hoo! I reached five! thanks sue, yours are going out tomorrow too! They expire at the end of this month so make sure you get out and use em gals!

  8. Woo hoo! I'll give you a call in the AM - maybe I can swing by on the way to Max's swim class to pick them up! Thanks girl! :)

  9. Thanks got mine today!! :) Headed out tonight to get them:)
